Duo Ouro Negro - Valsa Do Vaqueiro

Download Duo Ouro Negro - Valsa Do Vaqueiro
Artist: Duo Ouro Negro
Album: Valsa Do Vaqueiro
Rating: 4.0


Filename: duo-ouro-negro-valsa-do-vaqueiro.zip

Review by Meggan

Duo Ouro Negro's album Valsa Do Vaqueiro is a musical masterpiece that captures the essence of traditional African music. The duo, made up of Raul Indipwo and Milo MacMahon, have created a stunning collection of songs that showcase their unique blend of African rhythms and Portuguese melodies.

The album opens with the title track, "Valsa Do Vaqueiro," which immediately sets the tone for the rest of the album. The song features a lively rhythm and catchy chorus that will have listeners tapping their feet and singing along.

Other standout tracks on the album include "Cantiga De Ninar," a beautiful lullaby with a haunting melody, and "Canto De Amor," a romantic ballad that showcases the duo's vocal talents.

Throughout the album, Duo Ouro Negro's use of traditional African instruments such as the kora and the ngoni adds depth and richness to the music. The duo's harmonies are also a highlight, with their voices blending perfectly together to create a sound that is both soothing and uplifting.

Table of Contents


Valsa Do Vaqueiro


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Catalog Numbers

SLEM 2279



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About Duo Ouro Negro

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Music band from Angola, founded in 1959. Personnel: Raul Indipwo and Milo MacMahon. In the early 60s they were joined for a short time by José Alves Monteiro.

Name Vars

  • D. O. Negro
  • Ouro Negro


  • Raúl Indipwo
  • Adrien Ransy
  • Raúl Aires Peres
  • Milo MacMahon
  • Emilio Vitória Pereira

Summary by Meggan

Valsa Do Vaqueiro is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates world music. Duo Ouro Negro's ability to blend African and Portuguese influences is truly remarkable, and this album is a testament to their talent and creativity.

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