Tavinho Moura - Instrumental de Viola

Download Tavinho Moura - Instrumental de Viola
Artist: Tavinho Moura
Album: Instrumental de Viola


Filename: tavinho-moura-instrumental-de-viola.zip

Review by Jeff Knapp

Instrumental de Viola by Tavinho Moura is a beautifully crafted album that showcases the artist's mastery of the viola. The album consists of ten instrumental tracks, each one featuring Moura's unique style of playing that blends traditional Brazilian music with classical and jazz influences.

From the opening track "Choro do Adeus" to the closing track "Valsa para Alice," Instrumental de Viola takes the listener on a musical journey that is both soothing and uplifting. Moura's virtuosity on the viola is evident in every note he plays, and the album is a testament to his talent and dedication to his craft.

The album is a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary music, with each track offering something new and exciting. The melodies are intricate and complex, yet they are played with such ease and fluidity that they seem effortless.

Table of Contents


Encontro Das Aguas
Dois Rios
Serra Do Ao
Minas Texas
Caboclo D'agua
Dona Menina
Coração Disparado
Mato Grosso
Dança Manero Pau
Alma de Gato
Noites Do Sertão
Inhuma Do Brejo
Manoelzim Da Croa


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About Tavinho Moura

Name Vars

  • Moura
  • T. Moura
  • Tavinho
  • Tavino-Mauro
  • Venturini

Summary by Jeff Knapp

Instrumental de Viola is a must-have for any lover of Brazilian music or instrumental music in general. It is a beautiful and captivating album that showcases the best of Tavinho Moura's talent and creativity.

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